Basic usage of pasture

In a nutshell, pasture provides data structures for point cloud data and functions to interact with these data structures. Think Vec<T>, but for arbitrary points whose format is stored at runtime. The following example shows how point data is read from a file and how individual points and attributes are accessed:

use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
use pasture_core::{
    containers::{BorrowedBuffer, VectorBuffer},
use pasture_io::base::{read_all};

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Reading a point cloud file is as simple as calling `read_all`
    let points = read_all::<VectorBuffer, _>("pointcloud.las").context("Failed to read points")?;

    if points.point_layout().has_attribute(&POSITION_3D) {
        for position in points
            println!("({};{};{})", position.x, position.y, position.z);
    } else {
        bail!("Point cloud file has no positions!");


If you want to create a buffer for points yourself, you need to specify a PointLayout manually, which pasture can derive from a struct definition like in the following example:

/// This point type uses the #[derive(PointType)] macro to auto-generate an appropriate PointLayout
#[repr(C, packed)]
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PointType, Debug, bytemuck::NoUninit, bytemuck::AnyBitPattern)]
struct SimplePoint {
    pub position: Vector3<f64>,
    pub intensity: u16,

fn main() {
    // Create some points
    let points = vec![
        SimplePoint {
            position: Vector3::new(1.0, 2.0, 3.0),
            intensity: 42,
        SimplePoint {
            position: Vector3::new(-1.0, -2.0, -3.0),
            intensity: 84,

    // A VectorBuffer can be created from a PointLayout
    let mut buffer = VectorBuffer::new_from_layout(SimplePoint::layout());
    // We can push individual points through a (mutable) PointView:

    // A more elegant solution is to collect the data from an iterator:
    buffer = points.iter().copied().collect::<VectorBuffer>();