Buffer slices

The point buffers in pasture semantically behave like collections of points. Rust has built-in support for obtaining subsets of sequences of elements through slices, given that the elements are stored contiguously in memory. pasture can do a bit more and allow slicing even for non-contiguous memory regions, e.g. columnar buffers. It does so by providing slice buffers, which are lightweight wrappers around point buffers that handle the offset calculations for accessing subsets of points. In this section you will learn about slice buffers, how to use them, and some reasons for the design decisions of pasture regarding slicing.

How to slice point buffers

Slicing buffers is as simple as calling slice on the buffer:

fn main() {
let buffer: VectorBuffer = ...;
let slice = buffer.slice(1..2);
// buffer supports by-reference access to points, so the slice also supports this:
for point_ref in sliced.view::<PointType>().iter() {
    println!("{:?}", point_ref);

A sliced buffer retains the memory layout of the buffer it was sliced from. In this example, the basic buffer is a VectorBuffer which has interleaved memory layout, causing the slice to also have interleaved memory layout. Most of the time, the sliced buffer behaves identical to the original buffer: You can obtain views from the slice, it will implement the same memory layout traits as the original buffer, and you can slice the slice again as often as you like.

Slices are - by definition - borrows of their underlying point buffer, so they will never implement OwningBuffer<'a>, meaning you can never resize a buffer through a slice. This is similar to how Rust built-in slices behave and should not be surprising.

If the source buffer supports mutable access to its memory, you can also obtain a mutable slice:

fn main() {
let mut buffer: VectorBuffer = ...;
let slice = buffer.slice_mut(1..2);
for point_mut in sliced_mut.view_mut::<PointType>().iter_mut() {
    point_mut.intensity *= 2;

The usual borrowing rules apply, so you cannot obtain multiple mutable slices to the same buffer at the same time.


Slicing point buffers can be less powerful than the built-in Rust slices. Things like split_at_mut are currently not supported in pasture.

The SliceBuffer trait, and why we can't use the Index trait instead

The slicing syntax in pasture is more limited than the syntax you might be used to in Rust. In particular, pasture does not support the [] operator for slicing. This is a limitation in the design of the Rust standard library, or perhaps a mismatch between the intuition for what it means to call the [] operator to what it actually does. There is an interesting discussion in the Rust internals forum.

In a nutshell: [] is syntactic sugar for the Index trait, which requires the return value of the indexing operation to be a borrow. Since pasture slices are proxy objects, they have to be returned by value as they are constructed on-demand. This makes it impossible to use them with the Index trait, therefore preventing us from using the [] operator.

pasture instead provides its own indexing traits: SliceBuffer<'a> and SliceBufferMut<'a>. Here is what SliceBuffer<'a> looks like:

fn main() {
pub trait SliceBuffer<'a>
    Self: 'a,
    type SliceType: BorrowedBuffer<'a> + Sized;

    // Required method
    fn slice(&'a self, range: Range<usize>) -> Self::SliceType;

It provides the slice function, which returns an associated type SliceType. There are a bunch of different slice types that pasture provides for a multitude of reasons, but the most important reason for SliceBuffer to use an associated type for the slice object is to allow efficient slicing of slices themselves.

Slices are thin wrappers around point buffers, so when slicing some point buffer B, you end up with a BufferSlice<B> (or some variant thereof). If we now slice this slice, naively we would end up with a nested slice type: BufferSlice<BufferSlice<B>>. What we instead want is BufferSlice<B> with updated slice bounds. This is possible because BufferSlice<B> implements the SliceBuffer trait with a different SliceType than the regular point buffer types and therefore collapses the nested hierarchy at compile-time.