Understanding the PointLayout type

In this section you will learn all about the PointLayout type in pasture. You will learn how it is used to represent the structure of the points in your point clouds, how it relates to individual point attributes, and how you can create your own PointLayout either from hand or from an existing struct definition. Additionally you will learn about all the built-in point attribute definitions that pasture provides, and how you can create your own point attributes.

Point attributes

In the data model section of this tutorial we learned that pasture models a point cloud as a collection of tuples of attributes. A point attribute is a uniquely identifiable piece of data, which pasture represents using two types: PointAttributeDefinition and PointAttributeMember. Understanding how attributes combine to form a PointLayout will also answer the question why there are two distinct attribute types in pasture.

When we talk about specific point attributes, we often refer to them by their name, which is why pasture uses strings as the unique identifiers for point attributes. To get a feel for the different types of point attributes that are commonly used, we can look at the LAS file specification, specifically under the section that defines the point data record formats. Looking at point data record format 0---the simplest format that LAS provides---we see the following list of point attributes:

Xlong4 bytesyes
Ylong4 bytesyes
Zlong4 bytesyes
Intensityunsigned short2 bytesno
Return Number3 bits (bits 0-2)3 bitsyes
Number of Returns (Given Pulse)3 bits (bits 3-5)3 bitsyes
Scan Direction Flag1 bit (bit 6)1 bityes
Edge of Flight Line1 bit (bit 7)1 bityes
Classificationunsigned char1 byteyes
Scan Angle Rank (-90 to +90) – Left Sidesigned char1 byteyes
User Dataunsigned char1 byteno
Point Source IDunsigned short2 bytesyes

We see the name of each attribute (the Item column), the data type used to represent the attribute (the Format) column, how many bits or bytes a single value of that attribute requires (the Size column), and whether or not it is required to include this value in the LAS point record (the Required column). We don't really care about the last column, but the first three columns are interesting. Not only do they explain what types of data a single point might contain, they also give information of the memory representation of the point data. pasture deals with efficient in-memory representations of point clouds, so the mapping of memory ranges to the actual point attributes is a central part of what pasture does. It does this by using precisely the information we saw in the table:

Each point attribute in pasture has a unique name, a data type and a size! If you look at the PointAttributeDefinition type, you will see three corresponding accessors:

If we look into the layout::attributes module we see all the predefined point attributes that pasture provides:

CLASSIFICATIONAttribute definition for a classification. Default datatype is U8
CLASSIFICATION_FLAGSAttribute definition for the classification flags. Default datatype is U8
COLOR_RGBAttribute definition for an RGB color. Default datatype is Vec3u16
EDGE_OF_FLIGHT_LINEAttribute definition for an edge of flight line flag. Default datatype is Bool
GPS_TIMEAttribute definition for a GPS timestamp. Default datatype is F64
INTENSITYAttribute definition for an intensity value. Default datatype is U16
NIRAttribute definition for near-infrared records (NIR). Default datatype is U16
NORMALAttribute definition for a 3D point normal. Default datatype is Vec3f32
NUMBER_OF_RETURNSAttribute definition for the number of returns. Default datatype is U8
POINT_IDAttribute definition for a point ID. Default datatype is U64
POINT_SOURCE_IDAttribute definition for a point source ID. Default datatype is U16
POSITION_3DAttribute definition for a 3D position. Default datatype is Vec3f64
RETURN_NUMBERAttribute definition for a return number. Default datatype is U8
RETURN_POINT_WAVEFORM_LOCATIONAttribute definition for the return point waveform location in the LAS format. Default datatype is F32
SCANNER_CHANNELAttribute definition for the scanner channel. Default datatype is U8
SCAN_ANGLEAttribute definition for a scan angle with extended precision (like in LAS format 1.4). Default datatype is I16
SCAN_ANGLE_RANKAttribute definition for a scan angle rank. Default datatype is I8
SCAN_DIRECTION_FLAGAttribute definition for a scan direction flag. Default datatype is Bool
USER_DATAAttribute definition for a user data field. Default datatype is U8
WAVEFORM_DATA_OFFSETAttribute definition for the offset to the waveform data in the LAS format. Default datatype is U64
WAVEFORM_PACKET_SIZEAttribute definition for the size of a waveform data packet in the LAS format. Default datatype is U32
WAVEFORM_PARAMETERSAttribute definition for the waveform parameters in the LAS format. Default datatype is Vector3
WAVE_PACKET_DESCRIPTOR_INDEXAttribute definition for the wave packet descriptor index in the LAS format. Default datatype is U8

Point attribute data types

The description of each built-in attribute includes a statement of the form "The default datatype is X". pasture makes an assumption what a good default datatype is for each attribute. Here are some examples:

  • POSITION_3D -> Vec3f64
  • COLOR_RGB -> Vec3u16

These datatypes roughly correspond to primitive types that Rust supports, plus several vector types provided by nalgebra. pasture defines the PointAttributeDataType enum, which constrains the valid datatypes for point attributes. It includes all integer and floating-point types up to and including 64 bits, some three- and four-component vector types (themselves of integers and floating-point values), as well as two special types ByteArray(u64) and Custom{ ... }. Each of these datatypes has a well-known binary representation and corresponds to a specific Rust type, which is what allows conversions between untyped memory ([u8]) and strongly typed attribute data. This correspondence is established using the PrimitiveType trait, which is a trait that pasture implements for the Rust integer and floating-point primitive types and some of the nalgebra vector types. It allows code like this:

fn main() {
let datatype: PointAttributeDataType = f64::data_type();

For memory safety, pasture uses the bytemuck crate, which ensures that all memory transmutations from and to untyped memory are safe. This is done by requiring that all pasture primitive types have to implement bytemuck::Pod. This has some interesting but also limiting side-effects, in particular it prevents pasture from supporting the Rust primitive type bool, which is not valid for any bit pattern (i.e. it is represented using 8 bits, but only the bit patterns 0 and 1 are valid). We will shortly see that this also has implications for which types of structs you are allowed to use as point representations.

Custom attributes

Besides the built-in attribute definitions, you can easily create your own point attributes using PointAttributeDefinition::custom:

fn main() {
let custom_attribute = PointAttributeDefinition::custom(Cow::Borrowed("Custom"), PointAttributeDataType::F32);

It is a const fn, so you can create compile-time constant point attributes, which is precisely what all the built-in attribute definitions are! pasture-io uses the same mechanism to add LAS-specific attribute definitions, for example the ATTRIBUTE_LOCAL_LAS_POSITION which corresponds to a point position in the local space of a LAS file, represented using 32-bit signed integers:

fn main() {
pub const ATTRIBUTE_LOCAL_LAS_POSITION: PointAttributeDefinition = PointAttributeDefinition::custom(

From attributes to PointLayout

So far we saw how pasture represents a single point attribute. Now we will look at combining multiple point attributes into the full description of a point cloud, i.e. the PointLayout type! This will also answer the question why there are two types for point attributes in pasture!

Recall the custom Point type that we wrote in the Data Model section:

use nalgebra::Vector3;

type Position = Vector3<f64>;
type Classification = u8;
type Color = Vector3<u8>;
type NumberOfReturnPulses = u8;

type Point = (Position, Color, Classification, NumberOfReturnPulses);

Let's restate it using struct syntax instead of tuple syntax:

struct Point {
    pub position: Position, //Vector3<f64>
    pub color: Color, //Vector3<u8>
    pub classification: Classification, //u8
    pub number_of_returns: NumberOfReturnPulses, //u8

To describe this point type in pasture, we first need one PointAttributeDefinition for each of the members:

use pasture_core::layout::attributes::*;

let position_attribute = POSITION_3D;
let color_attribute = COLOR_RGB.with_custom_datatype(PointAttributeDataType::Vec3u8);
let classification_attribute = CLASSIFICATION;
let number_of_returns_attribute = NUMBER_OF_RETURNS;

We can use the built-in attribute definitions for every attribute, which is convenient. The only change is that pasture assumes RGB colors to be represented using the Vec3u16 datatype (a convention taken from the LAS file format), but here we want 8-bit unsigned integers instead, so we modify the datatype to be Vec3u8 instead. Note that this does not affect the global COLOR_RGB constant but instead creates a new PointAttributeDefinition instance.

In order to combine these attributes into a PointLayout, we have to understand what the purpose of the PointLayout structure is: The PointLayout provides the information necessary to go from untyped memory to strongly typed attribute and point values! This means that it has to include all the information about the exact memory layout of each attribute as well as their relationship to each other, for example the order of the attributes within a point record. So if you write the following code, pasture needs to know how to execute it and whether it is correct or would violate memory safety:

let buffer: VectorBuffer = ...; // A buffer that stores `Point` values, obtained from somewhere
// Get the color of the first point:
let color = buffer.view_attribute::<Vector3<u8>>(&color_attribute).at(0);

Since VectorBuffer stores untyped memory internally (Vec<u8>), here is what pasture has to do:

Picture illustrating how pasture goes from untyped memory to typed attributes

The call .at(0) in the code example above translates to the instruction "Read 3 bytes at offset 24 and cast to Vector3<u8>" in the figure. It contains three pieces of information that are only known at runtime and which are included in the PointLayout typeThe necessary information is actually calculated not only from the PointLayout, but also based on the memory layout of the point buffer, since offsets are calculated differently in interleaved memory layout vs. columnar memory layout. We will learn all about that in the section on buffer memory layouts.:

  • The read offset (24 bytes)
  • The read size (3 bytes)
  • The static type that the memory should be interpretedInterpreted is the correct term here, because that is what all statically typed programming languages do: Static types provide the semantics for raw memory and hence define how memory regions are interpreted, from which follow the correct assembly instructions for reading from or writing to memory. If we write let m = variable.member;, it is the job of the compiler to figure out the correct instructions for reading the memory corresponding to member from the instance variable based on the static type of variable. The compiler does this at compile time, pasture does something similar at runtime! as (Vector3<u8>)

Two of the three properties are already included in the PointAttributeDefinition type: The read size is simply the size of the attribute datatype, and the static type is given by the user (Vector3<u8>) and has to correspond to the attribute datatype. pasture performs a runtime check in view_attribute to make sure that these two types match! The offset however is not known given only a PointAttributeDefinition. It depends on the order of attributes within the point type. Take a look at the following two point type definitions and try to figure out in which sense they are identical and in which sense they differ:

struct Point1 {
    pub position: Position, //Vector3<f64>
    pub color: Color, //Vector3<u8>
    pub classification: Classification, //u8
    pub number_of_returns: NumberOfReturnPulses, //u8

struct Point2 {
    pub classification: Classification, //u8
    pub color: Color, //Vector3<u8>
    pub number_of_returns: NumberOfReturnPulses, //u8
    pub position: Position, //Vector3<f64>

Both types have the exact same point attributes but in a different order. Even for attributes at the same index, such as the color attribute, their memory locations can differ. The actual offset is determined by the Rust compiler when calculating the representation of the type. The default algorithm is implementation-defined, but assuming a simple algorithm the offset of Point1::color might be 24 bytes (the size of the position field), whereas the offset of Point2::color might be 1 byte (the size of the classification field).

If you want to know all the details about point type memory layout and how to manually build a PointLayout, read on! If you only care about something that works, skip to "Using the #[derive(PointType)] macro".

Details of point memory layouts

Getting the memory layout of a point type right is one of the more challenging aspects that pasture has to deal with. It matters most when going from untyped memory to user-defined point types, such as the Point1 and Point2 types from the previous example. Note that if you only ever access point data through the attribute views and never use the point views (which require a strongly typed point type such as Point1), most of these details will not concern you!

We will now build a PointLayout from scratch for the Point2 type and learn all about type representations and alignment requirements, as well as some details regarding memory transmutations. Time to have some fun!

To make things a bit easier, we will use f32 positions instead of f64 so that the overall type has less bytes. This makes some of the figures easier to follow. Here is the updated Point2 type:

struct Point2 {
    pub classification: Classification, //u8
    pub color: Color, //Vector3<u8>
    pub number_of_returns: NumberOfReturnPulses, //u8
    pub position: Position, //Vector3<f32> !!

First we have to figure out the size of each attribute, which we can then sum to get the total size of a single Point2 instance in memory:

  • classification -> u8 -> 1 byte
  • color -> Vector3<u8> -> semantically equivalent to [u8; 3] -> 3 bytes
  • number_of_returns -> u8 -> 1 byte
  • position -> Vector3<f32> -> semantically equivalent to [f32; 3] -> 4*3 = 12 bytes

If we sum everything together, we get 17 bytes. Let's see what println!("{}", std::mem::size_of::<Point2>()) returns:

fn main() { 
    println!("{}", std::mem::size_of::<Point2>());    

// Output: 20

The difference (which might vary depending on the compiler version and target platform) is due to the Rust rules for type representations. Unfortunately, not only is the default type representation (the Rust representation) implementation-defined, there is not even a stabilized API for querying the offset of a variable within a typeThere is std::mem::offset_of!, but it is nightly-only at the moment, and it is somewhat limited.! For this reason, pasture does not support creating a PointLayout for a struct that uses the default Rust representation! Instead, all types that want to implement the PointType trait---a trait required for the type to work with the point view function view::<T>---should use the C representation instead.


pasture does not enforce implementors of the PointType trait to use the C representation as the Rust language does not support such constraints. Correctly implementing the PointLayout for a type using the Rust representation will be impractical and is strongly discouraged. Even if you manage to do so, types with the Rust representation may contain padding bytes, which breaks the guarantees made by bytemuck::NoUninit!

The C representation has a predictable algorithm for calculating the offsets of members within a struct (explained in detail here) which we can use to figure out the correct offsets to all our point attributes. Unfortunately even with the C representation, the compiler is allowed to insert padding bytes which would break the requirements that pasture has which enable memory transmutations. To get rid of padding bytes, we have to use #[repr(packed)], which removes any padding bytes. So we have to change our definition of the Point2 type:

#[repr(C, packed)]
struct Point2 {
    pub classification: Classification, //u8
    pub color: Color, //Vector3<u8>
    pub number_of_returns: NumberOfReturnPulses, //u8
    pub position: Position, //Vector3<f32>

Now std::mem::size_of::<Point2>() returns 17, as would be expected. The offset for each member can now be easily calculated as the size of all preceding members. Luckily, we don't have to do this by hand: The PointLayout type has a add_attribute function! So building a PointLayout for Point2 works like this:

use pasture_core::layout::*;
use pasture_core::layout::attributes::*;

let mut layout = PointLayout::default();
layout.add_attribute(CLASSIFICATION, FieldAlignment::Packed(1));
layout.add_attribute(NUMBER_OF_RETURNS, FieldAlignment::Packed(1));

We use FieldAlignment::Packed(1) to prevent any padding bytes from being addedWhy does pasture support padding bytes in a PointLayout when manually adding attributes, if it is not supported to have a PointType that includes padding bytes? Because you are allowed to access individual attributes even if there is padding, since padding only affects the point view type (obtained by calling view::<T> on the point buffer) but not the attribute views (obtained by calling view_attribute::<T> on the buffer). and end up with a PointLayout that correctly represents the memory representation of the Point2 type. The calculated offset of each point attribute is stored within the PointLayout together with the PointAttributeDefinition using the second attribute type: PointAttributeMember. A PointAttributeMember is therefore a specific instance of a point attribute within the memory layout of a point type. This distinction allows using the PointAttributeDefinition as a general identifier for attributes independent of any actual point type. Take a look at the two original point types Point1 and Point2 again:

struct Point1 {
    pub position: Position, //Vector3<f64>
    pub color: Color, //Vector3<u8>
    pub classification: Classification, //u8
    pub number_of_returns: NumberOfReturnPulses, //u8

struct Point2 {
    pub classification: Classification, //u8
    pub color: Color, //Vector3<u8>
    pub number_of_returns: NumberOfReturnPulses, //u8
    pub position: Position, //Vector3<f64>

Both types contain the same attributes but with different offsets. If we ask the question "Does type X have the point attribute CLASSIFICATION?", then we want the answer to be affirmative for both Point1 and Point2. PointAttributeDefinition is the type for checking such a property. If we instead ask "At which byte offset lies the CLASSIFICATION attribute in type X?", we need the information encoded in the PointAttributeMember. You will rarely interact with this type directly, most of it is done by pasture internally.

Using the #[derive(PointType)] macro

You don't have to create the correct PointLayout for your desired point type by hand. pasture supports a #[derive(PointType)] macro which auto-generates the correct PointLayout based on the memory layout of your struct. Let's look at an example:

#[derive(PointType, Clone, Copy, bytemuck::NoUninit, bytemuck::AnyBitPattern)]
#[repr(C, packed)]
struct CustomPointType {
    pub intensity: u16,
    pub position: Vector3<f32>,
    #[pasture(attribute = "CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE")]
    pub custom_attribute: f32,

The CustomPointType structure has three point attributes, each corresponding to one of the fields. To tell pasture which field represents which attribute, we have to annotate the fields with #[pasture(X)], where X is either the name of a built-in attribute, or the special syntax attribute = "name" for custom attributes. The example shows both usage patterns. Built-in attribute names follow the structure BUILTIN_X, where X is the name of the corresponding attribute definition constant as found in the layout::attributes module.

Then we have to derive a lot of stuff. First, we derive PointType, which will implement the PointType trait for us. This trait has a method fn layout() -> PointLayout that returns the PointLayout for the type it is implemented on. In order to use the derive macro, our struct must adhere to the pasture requirements as described in the previous section:

  • It must use the C representation (#[repr(C)])
  • It must not include any padding bytes (#[repr(packed)])
  • It must implement bytemuck::NoUninit and bytemuck::AnyBitPattern, which have derive macros of their own
    • This in turn requires that the type implements Copy
    • bytemuck::NoUninit disallows padding bytes
    • bytemuck::AnyBitPattern disallows bool, enums and any types that are not valid for all possible bit patterns
  • The data type of each field must be one of the supported primitive types

These restrictions are quite severe but are necessary to allow safe memory transmutations in pasture. The resulting PointLayout looks like this:

PointLayout {
    [Intensity;U16 @ offset 0]
    [Position3D;Vec3<f32> @ offset 2]
    [CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE;F32 @ offset 14]